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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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Orthorexia... Should It Be Considered A Disease?

There's a term I've heard for a few years now, that being orthorexia nervosa. The term is not actually recognized by the American Psychiatric Association and I don't think it should be. I think the term is misleading and causing undue tension for someone who just may be following instructions of a diet they follow.

I think a lot of vegans and whole food plant based eaters are unfairly targeted with the orthorexia label. I noticed in some plant based groups on Facebook, a few people have concerns because their family mentioned they might have the "disease".

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A Variety of Different Foods For Plant Based Eaters

I've heard many people say "what foods can you eat as a vegan", implying that the foods for those who eat plant based are limiting. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I eat a large variety of foods and during the past few months I have been trying new things. I think it's important to eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you can from the different foods. Plant based eaters can thrive if they aren't eating just one or two different foods each day.

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