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The Last Time I Had An Egg McMuffin

I was doing some cleaning the other day and came across something I saved from 2012. At the time, I knew it would be significant, but I had forgotten about it. I had the receipt from the last time I ate an Egg McMuffin stashed away.

This is significant because it reminds me of just how far I have come. I was serious about losing weight at the beginning of 2012, although no one else would have believed it at the time. I had many failed attempts at losing weight before but something was different this time around.

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It's Official... It's Been 5 Years Since I Reached My Goal Weight!

This is significant to me. If anyone were to have told me six years ago that I would have lost the weight... and would manage to keep it off for 5 years, I never would have believed them. You see, I was one of those yo-yo dieters, but could never mange to lose the weight. So what exactly changed that caused me to lose the weight?

I think I was honestly getting sick of the bad foods. I don't know if psychologically, my mind was telling me those foods weren't good for me anymore, but I no longer enjoyed eating them. I used to lose Reese's, but suddenly, it didn't taste good to me anymore. The nearly half gallon of ice cream I would consume daily didn't have the same appeal. I think my desire to get healthy and my drive to finally succeed played a role in the way the food tasted back then.

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My Second Cruelty Free Thanksgiving

Lasy year during Thanksgiving, I was only a few months into being plant based. I was worried about what foods to eat for Thanksgiving and wondered if family would not care for the way I ate or if they would have any objections.

This year, not only am I plant based, but I'm also vegan. Yes, it's still about eating healthy foods, but now it's about not harming animals. There are over 46,000,000 turkeys slaughtered in this country on Thanksgiving alone. I couldn't imagine eating turkey or any kind of meat, just for the sake of a holiday.

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10 Myths of Plant Based Eating

I often read a lot of misinformation about plant based eating. Many studies come out that are biased and often paint a picture that may not be accurate for those who are plant based. Then there's chatter at gyms from members who suddenly act like nutrition experts when they hear you are plant based. I'd like to go over some of these myths and how they are not true, based on my experience and from what I've researched.

Myth #10. Plant based people have more depression. If that's true, how come the number of antidepressants prescribed total more than the amount of vegans in the country? The majority of depressed people in fact are those that eat SAD (standard American diet). There is a large amount of vitamin C in fruits and veggies, and vitamin C has been shown to decrease depression. If anything, plant based eating can help cure depression.

Robert Cheeke
Vanessa Espinoza
Rich H.
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Being Plant Based in a Meat Lovers Family

My dad and step mom came to visit this past week. I had expected ted them to criticize the way I eat, as they did not understand it last year. In fact, my step mom called the diet "borderline anorexic", which made no sense at all.

But this year, aside from the few comments that they could never eat the way I do, there was no criticism. They instead commented on how healthy I looked. I think the 20 pounds of muscle helped too, from the last time they saw me.

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