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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

Your Story! Your Voice! Your Health!

My Protein Rich Plant Based Diet

It seems like everyone is protein obsessed these day. People seem to think that if they focus on protein alone, they will lose weight, gain more muscle, feel better, etc. In the process, people have forgotten about the vital nutrients we also need, that many of us are not getting enough of.

For example, a lot of people are lacking fiber. Did you know that fiber can help protect you from colon cancer and many other diseases? Check out this video from Dr. Greger to learn more about it. Calcium is another thing that a lot of people get wrong. They think that the calcium in dairy milk will give them all the calcium they need. Did they ever stop to think about where the cows got the calcium in the first place, from the plants?

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The Reason For Not Cheating On The Way I Eat

I think the attached picture explains why I don't cheat, but I thought I would write about it anyway.

Back in 2011, I was over 350 pounds, having tried many different diet plans and feeling hopeless. I was addicted to unhealthy foods. I was eating fast food everyday, eating candy in huge quantities and not feeling very healthy.

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7 Day Raw Challenge Review

I eat clean and have been whole food plant based for over 18 months now. I feel great, have lots of energy, etc. So what would I want to do a 7 day detox reset for?

I love a challenge and when Ian Myers mentioned the raw food 7 day reset when he interviewed me, I thought why not? I kept hearing from others how great they felt doing the challenge. Plus, I thought maybe it could help tighten my abs a little further.

raw food challenge
raw food challenge
raw food challenge
raw food challenge
raw food challenge
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You're Vegan? So Do You Eat Eggs (or Fish or Chicken)?

The one common thing everyone who's plant based or vegan will hear is "do you even eat fish (or eggs, or chicken, or whatever other animal product people perceive as harmless)".

Why is it so hard for people to accept that plant based means no animal products?

Despite all the evidence showing that animal products can lead to heart disease and other diseases, most people act like we are depriving our bodies of some valuable nutrient. The idea of not even incorporating certain foods shows how misunderstood this diet can be.

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Keep A Healthy Weight and Still Enjoy the Holidays!

I had four different Christmas parties that I needed to attend. There are so many gatherings with family and friends, and food is everywhere! It's very tempting to slip into unhealthy eating if you are unprepared.

When I first went plant based (and vegan) last year, I had a lot of anxiety over gatherings, when there would be food around. It's tough wondering if others will accept your new way of eating and worrying about what choices of foods there would be.

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  1987 Hits