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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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My Protein Rich Plant Based Diet

It seems like everyone is protein obsessed these day. People seem to think that if they focus on protein alone, they will lose weight, gain more muscle, feel better, etc. In the process, people have forgotten about the vital nutrients we also need, that many of us are not getting enough of.

For example, a lot of people are lacking fiber. Did you know that fiber can help protect you from colon cancer and many other diseases? Check out this video from Dr. Greger to learn more about it. Calcium is another thing that a lot of people get wrong. They think that the calcium in dairy milk will give them all the calcium they need. Did they ever stop to think about where the cows got the calcium in the first place, from the plants?

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So How Hard Is It To Be Vegan?

As someone who has been plant based for almost 10 months now, people love to tell me how they could never be vegan. I don't even ask them, they just volunteer the information, automatically thinking I'm going to judge them. And the excuses I get range from "I could never give up meat" to "I could never give up cheese or ice cream".

This article isn't going to focus on why someone should go vegan... there's plenty of articles out there covering the subject. Instead, I wanted to focus on how easy it is to eat this way. So many people think it's complicated and because of this, they don't even want to try.

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So What Foods Do I Eat? A Vegan Bodybuilder's Diet

Bodybuilders require a lot more calories than most people. As for myself, I already reached my goal weight and I'm not looking to lose more weight so I have to make sure I eat enough.

As a vegan for almost four months now, a lot of people have asked me about what foods I eat. I figured I should take the time to go through my diet as it might help others that are looking for a way to change to a plant based diet but not really familiar with what foods to eat.

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