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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

Your Story! Your Voice! Your Health!

Tell your weight-loss story here!  Share your daily successes and failures to help educate and inspire others as they take on losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle! Discover and explore what people are doing today to lose weight. 


Fairfield Half Marathon, Here I Go Again!

I decided to sign up for the Fairfield Half Marathon on June 7. I did this race last year and thought it was a lot of fun. It was tough with some of the hills but I enjoyed starting and ending by the beach.

I know what I need to work on for the next time around. I need to practice my incline running. I need to figure out how to adjust the speed so I'm not so winded by the end. But those things will improve as I get to practicing again.

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My Protein Rich Plant Based Diet

It seems like everyone is protein obsessed these day. People seem to think that if they focus on protein alone, they will lose weight, gain more muscle, feel better, etc. In the process, people have forgotten about the vital nutrients we also need, that many of us are not getting enough of.

For example, a lot of people are lacking fiber. Did you know that fiber can help protect you from colon cancer and many other diseases? Check out this video from Dr. Greger to learn more about it. Calcium is another thing that a lot of people get wrong. They think that the calcium in dairy milk will give them all the calcium they need. Did they ever stop to think about where the cows got the calcium in the first place, from the plants?

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I Had My Physical Today - Why I Am Plant Based And Vegan

I started my plant based journey for health reasons. Of course, since then, I became vegan too, as my compassion for animals and concern for the environment grew. But today, I had my yearly physical and had a reminder about why I am plant based... a clean bill of health.

I never liked going to the doctors. I had such phobias when I was a kid, and it was part of the reason why I avoided going as an adult. It wasn't until 2012 when I had my first physical that I really started getting over my anxiety (although, admittedly, it's still there!). When I found out I was pre-hypertensive and that my cholesterol was elevated, it was a huge wakeup call.

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Getting Back To Running Slowly


Yesterday, my physical therapist did a reassessment and said I probably only need one more appointment in a few weeks. The exercises he gave me seemed to do the trick as my knee is so much better. The swelling is gone, no more pain going up or down the stairs and I can actually run again.

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Want To Lose Weight? Stop Thinking About Moderation!

Many people are struggling with their weight, as I once was. I recently did a video to help Million Dollar Vegan with their recent campaign. A few comments I've read on some of the videos were about moderation. Nothing drives me more crazy than this idea that someone can eat something unhealthy part of the time without sacrificing health. Here's why I don’t like the everything in moderation talk.

Would You Want To Be Moderately Healthy?

When I finally lost the weight and it stuck, it was because I did it for my health. All other attempts to lose weight before this failed because it was only about the numbers on the scale. When I put the health first, the weight came off.

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