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The Benefits of MSM Powder

The Benefits of MSM Powder

A few months ago, I was researching on ideas to tighten my loose skin around my abs. I came across a video by Philip McCluskey about the benefits of  using MSM powder for tightening skin. Philip is an expert on weight loss as he lost over 200 pounds and has little, if any, loose skin. Check out his video when you get a chance to see how MSM, along with a few other ideas, helped him to tighten his skin. He is also co founder of Vimergy, a company that sells a variety of herbs.

I had never heard of MSM before and decided to do some more research on the subject. I found out that aside from tightening the skin, MSM helps with arthritis, wrinkles, improves flexibility, strengthens hair and nails, accelerates healing and detoxifies the body. Another benefit for body builders is that MSM can help clear away lactic acid after workouts. After reading all that MSM does, I decided to purchase a small bottle to see if it would make a difference in my abs as I continue my workout routine.

I began using MSM about 2 or 3 months ago. Although my abs are not there yet, they are looking better. I can't say if it's because of the powder or the training... it's probably a combination of both. One thing I have noticed, my stretch marks have been fading. I never even worried about my stretch marks as I just thought it was something I was just stuck with. The MSM powder has definitely helped fade the marks.

MSM powder can't work on it's own. It's not a magic pill and if you are trying to tighten your skin, you'll still need to work out hard and eat clean. But anything that will help tighten my abs aside from surgery, I'm willing to try, especially for all of it's other benefits.

You might be wondering what MSM powder is. MSM stands for methylsulfonylmethane. It's sulfer derived from the earth's rain cycle. Everyone needs sulfer but few of us get enough of it.The sulfer is easily lost when food is cooked and it's not present in processed foods.

I take the powder every morning with a glass of water. As the video explains, it does't taste very good. It's something that you have to get used to. It also comes in a supplement form, but I prefer the powder because from what I read, the supplement isn't as effective.

I did consult my doctor before I took the supplement. He told me to go ahead and try it. So far, I'm happy with the results. If you lost a lot of weight and are concerned about loose skin, please consult your doctor and see if MSM powder is for you.

Click here to try some for yourself!

Here are a few pictures to show you how my abs are looking. They are a lot flatter than they were! I'm guessing when I'm at 10 percent body fat, there won't be much loose skin left. As you know, the abs are the toughest part of the body to get in shape!


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Comments 2

Guest - Bre on Sunday, 30 July 2017 03:22
Hi, can you please elaborate on the improvement on your stretch marks?

I have a bunch and they really ruin my self-esteem being in my early 20's and feeling like I have to cover up. Have you seen any more improvements? Were your stretch marks deep? You just might save my life here lol . Thanks!

I have a bunch and they really ruin my self-esteem being in my early 20's and feeling like I have to cover up. Have you seen any more improvements? Were your stretch marks deep? You just might save my life here lol . Thanks!
Rich H. on Tuesday, 01 August 2017 13:19
Stretch Marks

Bre, I still have stretch marks and although they have improved, they will probably always be there unless I do surgery. The MSM has helped but I still have some loose skin there. I just refuse to do a tummy tuck. The MSM has helped with my workouts though as I don't get as sore as without it!

Bre, I still have stretch marks and although they have improved, they will probably always be there unless I do surgery. The MSM has helped but I still have some loose skin there. I just refuse to do a tummy tuck. The MSM has helped with my workouts though as I don't get as sore as without it!
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