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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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The Reason For Not Cheating On The Way I Eat

I think the attached picture explains why I don't cheat, but I thought I would write about it anyway.

Back in 2011, I was over 350 pounds, having tried many different diet plans and feeling hopeless. I was addicted to unhealthy foods. I was eating fast food everyday, eating candy in huge quantities and not feeling very healthy.

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  2722 Hits

Going Raw and Continuing My Muscle Building

There is no shortage of protein when eating completely raw. I find that aside from the energy I have, I'm able to workout just as hard as I have been, maybe even a little better!

The protein myths are still out there. Somebody asked me today about the protein, especially after being raw. Come on, where do you think animals get their protein from? Yes, when someone is plant based, they have to constantly defend or educate others on healthy eating.

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  1968 Hits

It's Official... It's Been 5 Years Since I Reached My Goal Weight!

This is significant to me. If anyone were to have told me six years ago that I would have lost the weight... and would manage to keep it off for 5 years, I never would have believed them. You see, I was one of those yo-yo dieters, but could never mange to lose the weight. So what exactly changed that caused me to lose the weight?

I think I was honestly getting sick of the bad foods. I don't know if psychologically, my mind was telling me those foods weren't good for me anymore, but I no longer enjoyed eating them. I used to lose Reese's, but suddenly, it didn't taste good to me anymore. The nearly half gallon of ice cream I would consume daily didn't have the same appeal. I think my desire to get healthy and my drive to finally succeed played a role in the way the food tasted back then.

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  1990 Hits

10 Myths of Plant Based Eating

I often read a lot of misinformation about plant based eating. Many studies come out that are biased and often paint a picture that may not be accurate for those who are plant based. Then there's chatter at gyms from members who suddenly act like nutrition experts when they hear you are plant based. I'd like to go over some of these myths and how they are not true, based on my experience and from what I've researched.

Myth #10. Plant based people have more depression. If that's true, how come the number of antidepressants prescribed total more than the amount of vegans in the country? The majority of depressed people in fact are those that eat SAD (standard American diet). There is a large amount of vitamin C in fruits and veggies, and vitamin C has been shown to decrease depression. If anything, plant based eating can help cure depression.

Robert Cheeke
Vanessa Espinoza
Rich H.
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  2572 Hits

Muscle Building Foods

Before going plant based last year, I always worried about protein. How would I get enough protein to build muscle. Oddly enough, I was not building muscle as efficiently as I am now being plant based.

One thing I've learned is that if you're eating enough food, you'll have more than enough protein. There are so many bodybuilders at the gym I go to that just do not understand this concept. Protein powders are not necessary to build muscle.

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  1997 Hits