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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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This tag contain 1 private blog which isn't listed here.

The Superfood To Eat: Tomatoes

I eat tomatoes every single day. I've always loved tomatoes, since I was a kid. Back then, I didn't eat them because they were healthy, I just ate them because they tasted good.

The red color in tomatoes is from lycopene. This bright red carotene and carotenoid pigment and phytochemical found in tomatoes can help protect against cancer. It also protects the body against damage from free radicals. Lycopene is also found to suppress the growth of human cancer cells.

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The Superfood To Eat: Pomegranates

I know a lot of people are tired of hearing about "superfoods". It seems like that's all you hear about when you read health related news. But I thought you would like to learn about some of my favorite superfoods that I've been eating daily. I'm certain these foods helped with my weight loss and lowered my blood pressure. Over the next few days I will focus on a different food.

First up is pomegranates. I learned about this fruit when searching the internet for foods that would help to lower blood pressure. This food apparently is as effective in lowering blood pressure as a medication. Another benefit that I read about recently, that everyone will love: pomegranates have the ability to get rid of abdominal fat.

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How To Find A Diet That Works

It's been over a year since I began my "diet". I've learned a lot and would like to share what I think works and what I think doesn't work when it comes to diets.

I think a lot of people will fail when they are on a diet because they don't make it work for them. How are you going to keep the weight off afterwards if you're doing something that you can't stick with?

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My Weight Loss Journey

I began my weight loss journey back in December of 2011. I was extremely obese at 345 pounds and knew I had to do something. I did not want to develop diabetes and other obesity related illnesses that ran in my family.

I had my first doctor appt. in many years at the end of January 2012. I work for the state and the new union rules stated that I need a regular physical or face a higher premium. During the appointment, I learned that I had pre-hypertension. The doctor wanted to put me on medication, as I was 312 pounds during the office visit.

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Mmmmm... Turkey... The final hurrah.

Homer mmmmmm

Today marks the day of my final hurrah with a wonderful Easter feast.  Tomorrow I will be cutting the crap out of my diet and moving forward to lose some 90+ pounds. My approach is a simple one based on a very easy to follow diet plan.

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