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How To Find A Diet That Works

It's been over a year since I began my "diet". I've learned a lot and would like to share what I think works and what I think doesn't work when it comes to diets.

I think a lot of people will fail when they are on a diet because they don't make it work for them. How are you going to keep the weight off afterwards if you're doing something that you can't stick with?

A diet should be thought of more as a lifestyle change. Once it becomes routine, you don't have to worry as much about gaining.

Finding A Diet That Works

Before you begin your diet, you should do some research. What is your ultimate goal? I know weight loss is always a goal for those on a diet, but what about avoiding diabetes, lowering cholesterol, wanting to feel better? Personally, a big reason for choosing the diet I was on was because I needed to lower my blood pressure. While searching on the internet, I came across the DASH Diet, which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This diet seemed to fit my lifestyle as I knew I had to lower my sodium intake, and that's exactly what it emphasized.

Please note that I'm not the type to follow a diet exactly the way it's written. I think people should interject their own ideas and modify the diet to their liking, as long as it's healthy. Obviously, if you find a diet you like and choose to eat chocolate ice cream every day instead of a piece of fruit, you'll end up with a bigger waistline. Be sensible about it and find healthy foods that you will continue to eat on a daily basis.

I incorporated tips I learned from Dr. Oz and Dr. Fuhrman, among others. I have read all of Dr. Fuhrman's books. I agree with most of what he says, but you can't agree with everything. Dr. Fuhrman doesn't think eggs should be a part of a healthy diet, but I've read how beneficial they are. Eggs provide a lot of protein, something I need. One diet may work for you and it might not work for someone else.

To summarize, you need to stick with a diet so that it becomes a part of your lifestyle so that the weight stays off. If you think of it as a temporary thing, just know that you probably will gain the weight back. Make sure you like the food and that you'll be willing to stay on the diet even when you reach your goal weight.

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