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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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Observations: The real reason diets fail - Part 1

Greed (grēd)

Adult definition:
a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed.  

Kids definition:
selfish desire for food, money, or possessions over and above one's needs

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Observations: The real reason diets fail - Overview

Don't be so hard on yourself if you fail with your dieting efforts.  You were setup to fail before you even started. Saying this is NOT a free ticket to raid the closest pizza joint.  But no matter where you come from or what walk of life you have chosen the fact is we live in a nation that drives us toward perceived success in all things but health.  Our society is built to fail when it comes to living healthy.

That is why more times than not, diets fail. This is the overview of a multi-part blog post to help you see the big picture as to why it is all too easy to give up on living healthy. The goal is to bring about awareness of the influences on your daily lives where desensitization prevents us from succeeding at living a healthy lifestyle.

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New York Takes A Huge Step Towards Ending Obesity

I would like to congratulate New York on a new law I wasn't aware of until today. New York now has a Fruit and Vegetable Prescription plan. This means that New York now acknowledges that fruits and vegetables have the power to cure disease, something the FDA doesn't exactly agree with.

A doctor in New York can now prescribe "Healthy Bucks" to those who are obese, and they in turn can use them to get fresh fruit from the farmer's markets there. I think it's so cool that New York acknowledged the health benefits of vegetables. It's like a big advertising campaign to wake up the obese people to start eating better. The idea might be slightly over the top, but it's a step in the right direction. It's refreshing to hear of doctors not writing prescriptions for drugs for a change.

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Are You Drinking Enough Water?

It has been so hot in Connecticut, I'm sure I don't need to remind you that you need to drink more to cool off. The heat causes us to sweat more and we lose a lot of water in this heat.

But how much of what you're drinking is actually water? Soda and beer do not count. It's best not to get your calories from your drinks. There is so much empty calories in soda, it can really pack on the pounds. Diet soda isn't much better… some research shows that diet soda drinkers might actually hurt their metabolism and increase risk of obesity and diabetes.

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Salt is no longer bad for you? Uh... What? CDC surprises!

What's that again?

A study (yeah I know... yet another study) commissioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  entitled "Sodium Intake In Populations: Assessment of Evidence" confirms that there is no evidence substantial enough to limit sodium consumption to less than 2,300 milligram daily for Americans. Researchers concluded that one-and-a-half to three tablespoons of salt per day is not detrimental to a person's health, contrary to past belief.

The report also discusses emerging debates about the proper level of dietary sodium intake. "Despite efforts over the past several decades to reduce sodium intake in the United States, adults still consume an average of 3,400 mg of sodium every day," the researchers wrote.

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