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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

Your Story! Your Voice! Your Health!

Enjoy the Holiday Season!

The Christmas holiday is a tough time to keep in shape. I applaud Ryan's recent post about how to maintain your waist size over Christmas. It is something so many of us go through… Christmas parties at work, family get togethers, cookies everywhere. Everyone expects you to partake in all the eating and drinking, so if you're not prepared ahead of time, you can really overdo it.

There's pressure for those that have already lost weight too. Certain people may watch closely to see what food you will take. Maybe they'll make comments like "go ahead, eat some dessert", or "you're skinny enough, you can eat this"! It can get very uncomfortable when all the people there know that you lost weight.

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Christmas Health Tip # 3 - Love Everyone

The last tip to maintain your waistline over the Christmas holiday doesn't even have to do with food or water. Love Everyone. Here is an extremely common occurrence for a lot of people. Food = Love. Right away its easy to assume I am talking about the person eating the food but it also includes the person preparing the meal.


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Christmas Health Tip # 2 - Use Smaller Plates

We've all heard the phrase “My eyes were bigger than my stomach”. Tip #2 is so simple it’s almost silly, just use a smaller plate. This is a subtle psychological trick that really works because the mind takes the image you receive and interprets it based on a proportional scale and not actual volume. Have you ever looked at a picture and had trouble trying to understand how big an object is? Like seeing a picture of a cruise ship then seeing one in person it’s very hard to understand the actual size based on the photograph.


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3 Tips to maintain your waist size over Christmas

It’s that wonderful time of year again. In a few days our favorite plus sized man in a red suit will slip down our chimneys and fill our stockings with presents. While the next day our friends and family will try to fill our bellies with excessive amounts of food. This great holiday tradition usually is followed by naps and/or driving home with your pants belt unbuckled. So how can we avoid overeating and staying away from unhealthy foods over the holidays? I have 3 easy, effective tips that can really help.


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Let's Get ...

Let's Get Lean in 2014!!

****Tis the season for Fun, Rum and Egg Nog! Unfortunately, with all the hustle and bustle it is so difficult not to put on a pound or two during the holidays, maybe even more! Parties, skipping workouts, break rooms filled with Christmas cookies, and lord knows what from vendors that drop off platters of food at the end of the year! Before you know it your pants are snug and NO its not the DRYERS FAULT! Time to take control, OWN IT! Decide, LIFESTYLE CHANGE!!! How many of you are already starting to panic? How many of you are planning a winter vacation in February or March and are starting to dread the thought of pulling out your bathing suit?? DON'T PANIC!! I know how you feel, I've been there!  Yoyo diets, crash diets, now it's a lifestyle!!  I will give you all the tools that were given to me to succeed! I have availability in my December 30 P90x3 group!! If you'd like information on my group or would like to chat and need support, email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Let's get fit, and healthy in 2014!

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