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Strength Training Update: My Body Fat Percentage Came Down!

b2ap3_thumbnail_beforeandafter.jpgA reminder of how far I've come...

Here's proof that the strength training is slowly working… My body fat percentage came down. It went from 22 percent down to 20! I think my abs are flattening out and maybe soon I'll see the muscles underneath.

It's important to have a personal trainer if you're someone like me. I never did much weight lifting and I certainly didn't have the proper form when I did lift. I was stuck on the weight machines for so long, getting nowhere. The personal trainer has taught me a lot, not just about exercise, but how much protein I need. The combination of proper nutrition and using the Cybex Smith machine has helped me so much.

Another benefit of having a trainer: I have the habit of getting bad form once in a while. The trainer reminded me of the proper form and I feel confident that I'll do it right the next time I work out.

My goal is to eventually get to a body fat percentage of around 13. I no longer check my weight every day. I try and do it maybe a few times a week. Weight is no longer an issue, as muscle is the focus.

The Dirty Dozen & The Clean Fifteen
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Comments 6

Jackie on Monday, 17 February 2014 23:20

This is AWESOME news, Richard! I stopped looking at the number on the scale & really focus on my measurements now. My weight stays the same but inches have consistently been melting off since weight training! Keep up the GREAT work, buddy!!! You are an inspirational ROCK STAR!!!

This is AWESOME news, Richard! I stopped looking at the number on the scale & really focus on my measurements now. My weight stays the same but inches have consistently been melting off since weight training! Keep up the GREAT work, buddy!!! You are an inspirational ROCK STAR!!!
Jackie on Monday, 17 February 2014 23:21

This is AWESOME news, Richard! I stopped looking at the number on the scale & really focus on my measurements now. My weight stays the same but inches have consistently been melting off since weight training! Keep up the GREAT work, buddy!!! You are an inspirational ROCK STAR!!!

This is AWESOME news, Richard! I stopped looking at the number on the scale & really focus on my measurements now. My weight stays the same but inches have consistently been melting off since weight training! Keep up the GREAT work, buddy!!! You are an inspirational ROCK STAR!!!
Jackie on Monday, 17 February 2014 23:22

This is AWESOME news, Richard! I stopped looking at the number on the scale & really focus on my measurements now. My weight stays the same but inches have consistently been melting off since weight training! Keep up the GREAT work, buddy!!! You are an inspirational ROCK STAR!!!

This is AWESOME news, Richard! I stopped looking at the number on the scale & really focus on my measurements now. My weight stays the same but inches have consistently been melting off since weight training! Keep up the GREAT work, buddy!!! You are an inspirational ROCK STAR!!!
Jackie on Tuesday, 18 February 2014 16:44

Why my comment was posted 3 times is beyond me!?! LOL!

Why my comment was posted 3 times is beyond me!?! LOL!
Guest - James Smith on Sunday, 15 October 2017 19:53
Plant based - me too

Hi Rich, I have been plant based since the 1st of the year and lost about 15 lbs so far.
I was wondering if you could briefly describe your weekly workout routine.

Hi Rich, I have been plant based since the 1st of the year and lost about 15 lbs so far. I was wondering if you could briefly describe your weekly workout routine. Thanks, James
Rich H. on Monday, 16 October 2017 09:33
Workout Routine

James, I workout 5 days a week. I generally break it up into different muscle groups each day. On Thursdays, I usually do chest and biceps, Fridays, Back and triceps, Saturdays, legs and shoulders, Sunday Chest and biceps and Mondays either Back and triceps or legs and shoulders. I also try to do 20 minutes of cardio afterwards, using the stairmaster or treadmill.

James, I workout 5 days a week. I generally break it up into different muscle groups each day. On Thursdays, I usually do chest and biceps, Fridays, Back and triceps, Saturdays, legs and shoulders, Sunday Chest and biceps and Mondays either Back and triceps or legs and shoulders. I also try to do 20 minutes of cardio afterwards, using the stairmaster or treadmill.
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