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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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Salt is no longer bad for you? Uh... What? CDC surprises!

What's that again?

A study (yeah I know... yet another study) commissioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  entitled "Sodium Intake In Populations: Assessment of Evidence" confirms that there is no evidence substantial enough to limit sodium consumption to less than 2,300 milligram daily for Americans. Researchers concluded that one-and-a-half to three tablespoons of salt per day is not detrimental to a person's health, contrary to past belief.

The report also discusses emerging debates about the proper level of dietary sodium intake. "Despite efforts over the past several decades to reduce sodium intake in the United States, adults still consume an average of 3,400 mg of sodium every day," the researchers wrote.

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King of Queens Waist Size

I was watching King of Queens a while back and was reminded about my own experience losing weight. Doug (played by funny man Kevin James) was talking to his wife Carrie (Leah Remini) about his waist size. He had no idea she was buying him clothing from the big & tall store. Doug was in denial about his weight and had no idea he was as big as he was. This pushes him to attempt to lose weight... as he says no one's gonna call him Fatty McButterpants anymore! He's too funny!

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Obesity Hurts

I must have heard it a thousand times... "You must feel a lot better!"

After losing 130 pounds, I didn't really think much about it, but yes, I do feel a lot better. I no longer have knee problems, I don't wake up with nocturnal leg pains and I don't suffer from headaches. I never realized when I was obese that being fat really does hurt physically (and of course emotionally too).

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80% of U.S. Pre-Packaged foods BANNED in other countries?

It often amazes me to see all of these studies published on the web or pitched in the media that persuade people to into choosing one food choice over another. Eggs are good for you with one particular study and then they are bad for you with another study. Many of these "Studies" are all part of the marketing machine and more times than not, aren't ground in truth. Personally I know that many foods out there can be good or bad for you based on the foods they are combined with.

But there are some foods no matter how you combine them that will have negative affects. Enough so that they are BANNED from most countries because of the ingredients they contain. It is one thing to try to determine if something is good for you based on studies. It is another thing when countries make foods illegal and charge hefty fines to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars per offense. I always knew that pre-packeged foods were not good for you because they were "processed". Do you know what they were processed with?

Macaroni Cheese
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Was This Picture Really Me?

Sometimes I need a reminder. I was looking at pictures the other day and came across a picture from May, 2010. What a difference a few years make!

I cannot believe how fat I looked. When I saw the picture, it reminded me how far I came. It reminded me why I do 10,000 steps a day. It reminded me on why I eat healthy every day.

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