By Rich H. on Saturday, April 01, 2023
Category: Weight Loss

Working Out With A Busy Schedule

As most of you can attest that are reading this, it’s not easy to get workouts in when you are full time, or family issues, or life’s stresses. My job has been crazy busy, and I am unable to make the gym as much as I want to.

But here’s the thing, I always get my workouts in, even if I only do strength training a few days a week, I still make it a priority. I also make sure I get my steps in each day. If there‘s one invention that has kept me in check all these years, it’s the Apple Watch, with it’s reminder to have me stand every hour.

I can’t think of a time when I haven’t got my steps in. There might have been a handful (like 5 or so days that I didn’t quote get there), but nearly every day since 2012, I got 10,000 steps a day. I make sure I walk at a decent speed too on days I can’t get my cardio in. As a plant based athlete, I have a lot of energy that I need to be active.

Some weeks, I’m lucky to get 4 days of strength training. Other weeks, I’m lucky to et 3 days in. Two days strength training was all I was able to accomplish this past week, but the important thing is, I didn’t put it off. I am keeping my strength, lifting more than the previous week, so I’m not losing strength.

Had I not eaten this way, I would not have the energy to keep up with the pace I go. All the greens, sweet potatoes, fruits, beans, etc. keep me satisfied and give me the protein to build muscle. The carbs help me do the stair stepper when I’m at the gym.

I’m not a junk food vegan, instead eating whole food plant based. There are cheat days once a month or so (like if someone buys my something that is vegan), but I am fully compliant nearly every day. I think this is the reason I feel as great as I do. where others need caffeine to keep going, I just need my post workiout smoothie. I would never go back to the standard American diet.

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