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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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Running For Health Not Speed

A friend in a running group shared an article about runners and how speed is not so important. I have to admit, before I read the post, I was very competitive. I keep thinking that I wanted to increase speed, but I'm starting to rethink it.

Most people I associate with do not run. A lot of people tell me, even in their 20's, that they can't even run a mile. How awesome is it that I'm able to run, like so many of my plant based friends who have all lost weight. We are doing it because we can run.

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Preparing For the Half Marathon

My half marathon is coming up quick. It's just over three weeks away. I signed up for the Fairfield Half Marathon on June 2nd. It's been a lot of work doing the training, but I think I'm ready.

Before I started training, I said I'd love to complete the half in 1 hour 30 minutes. That was unrealistic. I'd be happy if I can come close to two hours. However, I'm not so focused on the time I finish. I really just want to complete it.

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