By Rich H. on Friday, June 19, 2015
Category: Weight Loss

New Muscles Emerging!

I'm really getting into strength training. I have decided that I no longer need the treadmill. I still will do my walking and get my steps in, but I don't need to lose more weight.

During the past few months, I was using the treadmill for about 5 to 10 minutes for 5 days a week. It's not too much, but the weight tends to fall off me so easily now. I want my body to build muscle and using the treadmill might confuse my goals... my body might still think it needs to lose weight. A trainer was talking to me about cardio today, that it could actually hurt my efforts. I don't want it to get in the way of my goals!

I enjoy the weight lifting now and am liking it better than the cardio. I never thought I'd be saying that! I loved doing cardio for the past three years. It is what got my weight down in the first place. But it's probably what also caused more of the loose skin.

Strength training is cool because your body turns into a calorie burning machine! The treadmill will burn calories, but it doesn't do it all day like lifting weights does. Plus, the only muscles I'm building (if any at all), are my leg muscles.

I'm seeing muscle definition and I know my skin is tightening! Here is a new photo from today (I don't know why I'm not looking at my phone when the picture is taken) ... hopefully you can see the difference from a few weeks ago! :) By focusing on strength training only, I'm hoping to continue my lean body mass with hopefully 6 pack abs, hey I gotta try and go for it!

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