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How To Be A Healthy Vegan - An Interview With Dr. Fuhrman

This past Thursday, I had honor of interviewing Dr. Joel Fuhrman about how to be a healthy vegan. If you are unfamiliar with Dr. Fuhrman's work, he has transformed so many people's lives with his Nutritarian diet, including the "GBOMBS" foods that I eat each day (greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds). Although my diet includes other plant based foods, the GBOMBS are what I make sure I have daily. You can read about Dr. Fuhrman further on his website.

I wanted to interview Dr. Fuhrman as I knew he would have a lot of insight as to what's a healthy way to be vegan. As we all know, vegans can also be unhealthy, evidenced by the fact that many of the processed foods are vegan, like Oreos. As expected, Dr. Fuhrman confirmed that the GBOMBS foods are what vegans, and everybody should be focusing on. People need to eliminate as much processed food in their diet as possible, vegan or not!

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How To Have A Vegan Thanksgiving

This year will be my third Thanksgiving without any animal products. No longer do I think of the holiday as "Turkey Day". As you will read, there are so many delicious foods out there, turkey is not needed. You too can have a "No Turkey Day"!

First of all, let me tell you why I don't like calling Thanksgiving "Turkey Day". Aside from being vegan, turkey day doesn't really convey the true meaning of Thanksgiving. I mean, isn't Thanksgiving about family and friends and being thankful for the food... not just turkey? But as a vegan, I really dislike calling it "Turkey Day". When the president pardons a turkey in a silly tradition, I think of the other 50,000,000 birds that weren't so lucky. It's really sick if you think about it. Millions of enslaved birds and the president only spares two of tem. And then they will no doubt eat a turkey for Thanksgiving, so what's the point?

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Strength Training After My Tummy Tuck... Feel Like A Beginner!

It's been a few weeks since I updated about my abdominoplasty. It is now 6 weeks post op and I am feeling great! I feel back to normal and back to working out. However, it feels as if I'm a beginner, despite making significant gains for months.

I know I will rebuild the muscle, but I feel like I lost so much by not working out. I have the sagginess in my arms again so I need to build up. My goal is to get back to where I was pre-surgery by January.

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3 Weeks Post Op... I Really Miss Working Out!

After three weeks, I'm realizing how much I miss working out. The first week or so, I thought of it as a much needed vacation from the daily grind. Now I worry about losing muscle mass.

I still have one drain in and that's part of the reason I haven't gone to the gm yet. I hate the thought of working out with a drain. The drain will supposedly be taken out on Saturday. It was originally going to come out this past Tuesday but the fluid output ended up increasing again. The output needs to be at a certain threshold before it can safely be removed. This way, I can avoid fluid buildup in the belly.

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15 Days Post Op... Feel Like I'm Back To Normal!

It's been over 2 weeks since my abdominoplasty. I can honestly say, I haven't been in any pain from it. I especially love sharing that I never took one pain killer, not one! It's not very common to not have any pain killers but I didn't need them. I did opt for a local anesthetic called Exparel to offer additional comfort after the procedure, but after that wore off, I was feeling OK.

I seem to be healing well. It takes time but I'm taking care of my wounds. I'm not doing any exercise yet, aside from doing some shopping or walking the dog. It will be great to workout again though. My only fear is that I might lose some muscle mass. Hopefully it's not too much muscle. I also hope it doesn't take me too long to get back into my workout routine... but only when the doctor says it's time.

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